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Self-Alignment Carrying Idler

Self-Alignment Carrying Idler

ometimes difficult working conditions of the plant results in a lateral movement of the belt, especially in cases where long belts are in use, the belt tends to sway away from its lateral axis causing spillage of material. In such cases, Self-Aligning Carrying Idlers are used which act in a way that corrects the belt tracking and maintains it constantly in the central position. The Self-Aligning Carrying Idlers are designed as a series of rollers arranged in a troughed position onto the supporting transom which itself is fixed to a slewing ring which permits its rotation. The slewing ring (a thrust bearing) permits rotation limited to 5-8 degrees and is sized in proportion to the vertical loading. The installation of the Self-Aligning Carrying Idlers is advised at an interval of one SACI for every 10 Troughing Idlers and used only when the working conditions demand their use.

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